Furucombo Biweekly Update #26

Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2021


This biweekly update will serve as a way to highlight some of Furucombo’s recent updates and events. This will keep you in the know on the latest announcements, new feature launches and community campaigns.

Lately, we just released a new powerful system — Invest. We also launched a couple of giveaway events to celebrate the Invest’s launch. In this edition, as usual, we’ve also picked a hot combo covering strategies on Maker to give you some recipe inspirations! Okay, without further ado, let’s get started!

The details of Furucombo Invest
Furucombo Invest NFT program
Close Maker vault strategy

# Furucombo’s Update

✅ The details of Furucombo Invest

Last week, we launched a significant product update - Invest, which aggregates 250+ trading pools across different protocols like Uniswap, Curve, Yearn, Sushiswap, and Quickswap to let users can easily explore and invest any opportunities in the DeFi space!

The Invest system is on both Ethereum and Polygon networks. It also supports the auto-compounding rewards feature, powered by the Gelato network, to maximize our user's yield. But this feature is currently only available on the Polygon network version.

If you want to join Furucombo's auto-farming pools, here we wrote you a tutorial to guide you through how to set up everything and start earning rewards in just minutes. :)

Invest tutorial: https://go.furucombo.app/le9Z6

✅ Furucombo Invest NFT program

To celebrate the launch of Furucombo Invest, we collaborate with our NFT frens - Galaxy and ARCx!

The first campaign is our Lotto NFT Ticket event in which ticket holders can win COMBO and a rare ARCx x Furucombo NFT. Once the lotto tickets are claimable, all stakers are able to claim their NFT ticket on Galaxy to join our NFTdraw event!

If you miss the first NFT campaign, don't worry. Join our second Milestone NFT campaign to win a special Furucombo NFT custom-designed by an excellent NFT designer! We'll give away milestone NFTs to eligible liquidity providers.

More details can be found here: https://go.furucombo.app/5S3EL

# Hot combos

✅ Close Maker vault strategy

The market has been quite volatile recently. If you have vaults on Marker, this combo strategy might be helpful for you to prevent liquidation when the price of your collateral slumps.

How does this combo work?
1️⃣ Flash borrow DAI to repay
2️⃣ Withdraw all collateral
3️⃣ Swap collateral to flash payback

How to skip building combo and close your Marker vault immediately? Here's our super combo, which can help you self-liquidate as soon as possible! 🔗 https://go.furucombo.app/9bGT2

That’s all for now. Feel free to follow us on Twitter and join our Discord to get in on the conversation! See you there! :)

Want to see more DeFi strategies?
Check out our explore page. You can find up to 50 combos with its own detailed explanation about how it works! And you can also join our Discord server to chat with the community about all the trading strategies & ideas! 😉

Hope you enjoy this week’s content! 🤓

Contact us

If you experience issues that are not covered in this guide, please reach out to the team directly through telegram.




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